Marketo Connector: Fields to Sync

Previous StepAuthenticate BrightTALK with your Marketo instance



To receive leads from BrightTALK, you will need to define the fields that should be mapped to corresponding fields in Marketo.  BrightTALK has pre-mapped the standard system fields that are recommended to be synced, including First Name, Last Name, Email, etc.

Field Name Field Type Description
First Name Text A lead's first name 
Last Name  Text A lead's last name 
Email String A lead's email address





The leads original phone number ('raw') as entered by the user at account creation.

Job Title




A lead's Job Title- this is an open text field on the BrightTALK Registration form


Company Name




A lead's Company Name- this is an open text field on the BrightTALK Registration form.

Country/Country ISO Code






A picklist value for the lead's Country.  "Country" sends through the full name of the Country.  "Country ISO Code" sends through the 2-letter code for that Country.  The full list of available values can be found HERE

State/State Abbreviation






A picklist value for the lead's State.  "State" sends through the full name of the State while "State Abbreviation" would send through the 2-letter code for that State.  The full list of available values can be found HERE 
Lead Type Text The type of paid lead: Intent, Summit, Content, or Keyword
BrightTALK User ID* Numeric Unique code to identify each BrightTALK lead

Company Size




A Picklist value for the number of employees at the lead’s company - the values can be found HERE
Zip Code Text The zip or postal code for that lead.  Only available on US and Canada leads
City Text The city for that lead.  Only available on US and Canada leads.





Picklist value for the industry of the lead’s company - the values can be found HERE
Webcast Title Text The title of the webcast the lead engages with.

Activity Message*




Passes through a unique string for each webinar activity.  The output format is "Registered for [Webinar Title]", "Viewed [Webinar Title" On-Demand, or "Viewed [Webinar Title] Live"


Important: The BrightTALK connector requires you map the following 3 BrightTALK fields

Field Name


Field Type

Subscribers - BrightTALK User ID

Unique ID for each BrightTALK user


Subscribers - Email Address

Email address of BrightTALK user


Webcast Activity - Activity Type

Registration / Live / Recorded



*Remember* Make sure to map your fields to corresponding fields in Marketo of the appropriate data type.

Next Step: Choose the schedule for your data sync

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