Email Merge Field Guide

While using the "Advanced" email editor, there are several dozen "merge fields" (sometimes called "tags") that you can use to enhance your emails.  These fields will auto-fill certain details in the email such as the user's name, the content they are registering for, and the Channel they are subscribing to.  Here is a quick overview of each of those fields and what they do:


Channel fields

Channel fields represent data for your entire Channel- meaning they will mostly be static for each email you send:

Field Name HTML Code Description

Channel title

​${webcast_channel_title} The title of your Channel

Upcoming talks (2)

Shows up to two upcoming content in your Channel.  Will show nothing if there is no upcoming content.

Channel hyperlink

A hyperlinked version of your Channel title.  Clicking on it will take the user to your public Channel page.

Channel URL

The direct URL to your public Channel page.


Content fields

Content fields represent data for the specific content the user engages with.  For instance, what they registered for or viewed.

Field Name HTML Code Description

Content details


A consolidated view (or "block") of all the details for one specific content- includes the feature image, title, date/time, and duration.
Content URL ${webcast_url}
A direct URL to the public page for that content.

Content add to calendar
Adds a calendar invite file to the email.

Content title
${webcast_title}​​​​ The title of the content.

Content description

The description (or "abstract") of the content.

Content presenter(s)

${webcast_presenter} The presenter(s) for the content

Content preview image

The preview image for the content.  This is a slightly larger version of it.

Content thumbnail image

The thumbnail version of the preview image.  This is a much smaller version.

Content date/time

${webcast_datetime} The date and time for the content.

Share via email


Adds the "email" icon which allows the user to share the content via email

Share via Facebook

Adds the "Facebook" icon which allows the user to share the content via Facebook.

Share via Linkedin

Adds the "Linkedin" icon which allows the user to share the content via Linkedin.

Share via Twitter

Adds the "Twitter" icon which allows the user to share the content via Twitter.


Lead fields

Lead fields represent data for the specific user that engages with your Channel or content.  

Field Name HTML Code Description

First name


The first name of the lead.
Last name ${user_last_name}
The last name of the lead

The company name for this lead.

Email address
${user_email_address}​​​​ The lead's email.

The leads's timezone- useful as  a reminder (i.e. we are displaying this in your timezone which is "xxxx")

Email preferences hyperlink

A hyperlink to the lead's email preferences where they can control which emails they want to receive

Profile page hyperlink
A hyperlink to the lead's profile page where they can control their subscriptions and keep their profile up to date.

Email preferences URL 
The raw URL to the lead's email preferences where they can control which emails they want to receive

Profile page URL

The raw URL to the lead's profile page where they can control their subscriptions and keep their profile up to date.


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