BrightTALK has over 90 custom fields available for Connectors. Here is a guide on how those fields can be used:
What do the prefixes (i.e. "Subscribers-") mean?
Standard fields used by all customers
Custom fields used by most customers
Optional fields for specific use cases
What do the prefixes mean?
When setting up your "Fields to Sync," you may notice that all BrightTALK fields have a prefix in front of them (i.e. "Subscribers - [Field Name]). These prefixes indicate when and how often that field gets updated by the Connector. Here is a list of the different prefixes and how they work:
Prefix Name | Description |
Subscribers | These fields update anytime there is a new lead to sync or an existing lead updates their basic contact information (first name, email, etc.). |
Webcast Activity | These fields update anytime a lead registers for or views a webinar in your channel. If a lead engages with multiple webinars between Connector syncs, the activity will be sent sequentially (webinar 1, then webinar 2, etc.) |
Webcast Attachment | These fields update anytime a lead downloads an attachment from a webinar. If the lead downloads multiple attachments between Connector syncs, the activity will be sent sequentially (attachment 1, attachment 2, etc.) |
Survey Response | These fields update anytime a lead responds to a Channel Survey. Information about Channel Surveys can be found here. |
Campaign Leads |
These fields update anytime a lead is added to either a Summit or Intent Lead Campaign. |
Questions | These fields update anytime a lead asks a question on a live webinar or live Replay. |
Standard fields used by all customers
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
BrightTALK User ID |
Integer | Unique code to identify each BrightTALK lead |
Activity Type |
String | The attendance status for a lead on a specific webcast. Values are: Registration, Live, or Recorded |
Webcast Campaign Reference |
String | Text field used to store the "Campaign Reference" field on all BrightTALK Content. |
String | A lead's email address |
Webcast ID |
Integer | The unique 6-digit ID of a specific webcast. i.e. “123456” |
Activity Message |
String | Passes through a unique string for each webinar activity. The output format is "Registered for [Webinar Title]", "Viewed [Webinar Title] On-Demand", or "Viewed [Webinar Title] Live" |
Job Title |
String |
A lead's Job Title- this is an open text field on the BrightTALK Registration form |
Company Name |
String | A lead's Company Name- this is an open text field on the BrightTALK Registration form. |
Industry | String | Picklist value for the industry of the lead’s company - the values can be found HERE |
Company Size | String | A Picklist value for the number of employees at the lead’s company - the values can be found HERE |
Job Level | String | Picklist value for the level of the lead’s job title (i.e. “Director”) - the values can be found HERE |
Country/Country ISO Code | String | A picklist value for the lead's Country. "Country" sends through the full name of the Country. "Country ISO Code" sends through the 2-letter code for that Country. The full list of available values can be found HERE |
State/State Abbreviation | String | A picklist value for the lead's State. "State" sends through the full name of the State while "State Abbreviation" would send through the 2-letter code for that State. The full list of available values can be found HERE |
Postal Code | String | The zip or postal code for that lead. Available for all cities and regions worldwide |
City | String | The city for that lead. Available for all cities worldwide. |
Phone | String |
The phone number for that lead. More phone number options can be found HERE |
Mobile Phone Number | String |
The mobile phone number for that lead |
Custom fields used by most customers
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
Webcast Title | String | The title of the webcast the lead engages with |
Lead Type | String | The type of paid lead: Intent, Summit, Content, or Keyword |
Referral | String | The determined source of the lead: “BrightTALK Organic”, “BrightTALK Paid’, or [Blank] (other) |
Lead Context | String | Identifies the id of content a paid lead engaged with. Note: this field does not apply to Intent Leads. Please use Lead Context Name if you are looking to sync Topics. |
Questions - Text | String | The question the audience member asked |
Questions - Answered? | String | True/False value- "True" if the live presenter marked the question as "answered." False if they did not. |
Activity LastUpdated TimeStamp |
String |
Date and time of the last activity a lead took in your BrightTALK Channel |
Intent Lead Score | Numeric | The Intent Score of the lead. For more information about how Intent Scores are calculated, please contact your Customer Success Manager. |
Total Viewing Duration | Integer | How long in minutes a lead viewed a specific webcast (both live and on-demand) |
Boolean | Identifies whether or not a lead registered before the webcast went live. Comes through as either “true” or “false” |
Phone - e.164 Format |
String | Internationally recognized standard phone number format, compatible with all CRM’s and speed dialers, Example: +15555555555 |
Phone - International Format |
String |
Readable format, with parentheses and dashes. Example: +1 555-555-5555 |
Phone - Number Type |
String |
Provides the number type for those explicitly defined as being for fixed-line or mobile phones. Example: FIXED_LINE |
Mobile Phone - Number Type |
String |
Provides the number type for those explicitly defined as being for mobile phones. |
Optional fields for specific use cases
Field name | Field Type | Description |
Webcast History | String | Passes through a unique string for each webcast activity. The output format is the concatenation of the webcast id and activity type fields. Ex. "123456-Registered" |
Webcast Status | String | Whether a webcast is upcoming, live, or recorded |
Subscription URL | URL | The original tracking link that made this lead a subscriber to your Channel |
Subscription UTM Fields (source, term, medium, content, and campaign) | String | The individual UTM parameters for the Subscription URL |
Subscription Marketo Tokens | String | The Marketo link token from the Subscription URL |
Activity URL | URL | The tracking link for the most recent activity a lead took in your channel |
Activity URL UTM Fields (source, term, medium, content, and campaign) | String | The individual UTM parameters for the Activity URL |
Activity URL Marketo Token | String | The Marketo link token from the Activity URL |
HubSpot Country | String | The Country value for a lead. Uses HubSpot's built-in country list instead of BrightTALK's. A full list of the values can be found HERE |
Webcast Presenter | String | The name(s) of the Webcast Presenter |
Webcast Duration | Integer | The duration of the webcast in minutes |
Webcast Start Timestamp | String | The date and time of the webcast |
Activity Created Timestamp | String | Date and time of the first activity a lead took in your BrightTALK Channel |
Channel ID | Integer | The unique ID for your BrightTALK channel |
Channel Name | String | The name of your BrightTALK channel |
Channel Organisation | String | The organisation or parent company of the channel the lead is subscribed to |
Webcast Activity ID | Integer/Number | Unique code used for identifying individual lead activities |
User Time Zone | String | The timezone of the lead |
Live Viewings | Integer/Number | An impression count of the number of times a single lead visited the same live webcast |
Recorded Viewings | Integer/Number | An impression count of the number of times a single lead visited the same recorded webcast |
Total Viewings | Integer/Number | An impression count of the number of times a single lead visited the same live or recorded webcast |
Attachment Title | String | The name of the attachment that the lead clicked on |
Attachment URL | URL | The link to the attachment that the lead clicked on |
Attachment Type | String | The type of attachment- is either a link or a file |
Live Viewing Access Count | Integer/Number | The number of times a lead viewed the attachments during a live webcast |
Recorded Viewing Access Count | Integer/Number | The number of times a lead viewed the attachments during a on-demand webcast |
Total Access Count | Integer/Number | The total number of times a lead viewed the attachments (live and on-demand) |
First Accessed TimeStamp | String | The date and time of the first time that attachment was clicked by the lead |
Last Accessed TimeStamp | String | The date and time of the last time that attachment was clicked by the lead |
Account Name | String |
The name of your Demand Central Account |
Account Created
The date your Account was created |
Campaign ID |
String |
The id of your Summit or Intent lead Campaign |
Campaign Display Name
String | The display name for your Summit or Intent Lead Campaign |
Context Name | String |
The name of the Summit that the lead attended or the Topic an Intent lead engaged with. |
Aggregate Viewing Duration | String |
The number of minutes that a Summit lead spent viewing Summit content |
Count | Integer/Number |
The amount of content a Summit Lead has viewed in your Channel
Activity/Delivery Date | String |
The date the leads were added to the Campaign
Questions - ID | Integer/Number |
The id of the Audience question. Every question asked has a unique id.
Questions - Embed URL | String |
Will always be the same as "Activity URL" |
Questions - Embed URL UTM Fields (Source, Term, Medium, Content, Campaign, Marketo Token)
String |
Will always be the same as the "Activity URL UTM Fields" |
New optional fields
Field name | Field Type | Description |
Job function |
String |
Picklist value for the job function of the lead - the values can be found HERE |
LinkedIn profile |
String |
A text field to store lead’s LinkedIn profile URL |
Company revenue |
String |
A text field to store a lead’s companies revenue |
State / Region (global) |
String |
A text field to store a state and region for countries worldwide, including US and Canada |