You could have the best webinar in the world, but it won’t matter if your intended audience can’t find it. Adding relevant tags to video content is a great and proven way for Priority Engine users who have also invested in BrightTALK to develop and promote their webinars, grow their organic audience and optimize content within the BrightTALK network. Whether you’re publishing a channel or posting an individual video, you’ll be asked to provide topic tags during the publication process.
What are topic tags?
Topic tags are a list of keywords associated with your webinar; they allow users to easily search out the content that’s most applicable to them. Tagging your content with relevant keywords also allows BrightTALK’s AI to use the recommendation engine to distribute your content to people that are viewing similar topics to your video.
Topic tags are a list of keywords associated with your webinar; they allow users to easily search out the content that’s most applicable to them. Tagging your content with relevant keywords also allows BrightTALK’s AI to use the recommendation engine to distribute your content to people that are viewing similar topics to your video. For example, this process would be similar to promoting a "Cloud Security Best Practices" e-book to a Priority Engine account list you created for accounts whose Top Interests include "cloud security." You would be delivering relevant content to an audience based on their related research behavior.
By utilizing topic tags, you’re letting potential viewers know the focus of your webinar. Conversely, neglecting to tag appropriate topics makes it that much harder for users—and potential prospects—to find and engage with your content.
What topics should I tag to my webinar?
To reach the most relevant users, you should aim to tag the technologies, methodologies, disciplines, concepts and personas that are applicable to your webinar.
What are the 5 best practices for tagging topics?
- Consider a variety of keywords that are relevant to the webinar’s focus
- Diversifying your keywords will extend the reach of your video to a wider array of users, job titles, and disciplines.
- Tag 10 topics to your webinar
- You can add a maximum of 10 tags to your webinar; we recommend tagging all 10 in order to maximize your video’s reach.
- Aim to include terms from our library of standardized topics
- There are often a variety of ways to refer to the same topic (Multicloud? Multi-cloud? Multi cloud?); other terms can be ambiguous (DaaS – Data as a Service, or Desktop as a Service?)
- Our normalized list standardizes these ambiguous terms and alternate spellings into a definitive version, so it’s no longer a guessing game of which form of a keyword to use.
- While you can have multi-word topics, avoid using commas to separate the words – doing so will parse out each word as a distinct tag. For example, the intended tag of “Governance, Risk, Compliance (GRC)” will be interpreted as three unique tags: “Governance” “Risk” and “Compliance (GRC)”. To avoid this, abstain from using commas within a single tag.
- Keep it about the audience & consider what users might be searching for
- Make sure your topics align with users across the buy cycle – not everyone will be searching for your product or company name, so you want to be sure to include pain points that appeal to users at the top of the funnel.
- Tagging well-established software is fine – as long as it’s not the only topic you're using.
- Be mindful of the “Goldilocks Principle”
- Include topics that are neither too broad nor too niche, but “just right” to describe the scope of your video
Wait, the “Goldilocks Principle?” What’s that?
Just as the titular character in the classic fairy tale finds that she prefers porridge that is neither too hot nor cold, but of a temperature that’s just right, so, too, should you aim to tag topics that are neither too broad nor too niche, but of a scope that’s “just right” to be meaningful and helpful to users.
In the above example:
- The topic “Cloud” is too broad to be helpful. Users won’t know which aspect of Cloud Computing your video pertains to – cloud applications? Security? SLAs?
- The topic “Cloud-based data lake service providers” is too niche to be useful. Users are unlikely to search for such a precise phrasing, which in turn limits the number of users that will find your webinar.
- “Cloud Storage”, on the other hand, is just right. The topic "Cloud Storage" hits the sweet spot in between the other two extremes – it’s a focused term, but still expansive enough to make it easily searchable.
Still looking for ideas?
Review Ada’s Hot Topics, which identifies the most popular and trending topics on BrightTALK, to gain real-time visibility into what keywords users are currently searching for and which topics are rising in popularity.