Adding Attachments to a BrightTALK Webinar: Answering FAQs

Why should you add attachments to your BrightTALK webinars and videos? This is a frequently asked question that has a simple answer: Adding attachments is a way to promote more opportunities for engaging your viewers. 

Each attachment is another touch point, another chance to deepen brand loyalty and provide valuable insights. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of adding an attachment by answering five other FAQs. Let’s get started. 

1.  What kinds of assets can you use as attachments? 

You can use all sorts of assets as attachments: e-books, research reports, white papers, overviews, infographics – to name a handful. You can also use links as attachments, whether they be to websites, demos or other webinars. When adding links as an attachment to a webinar, the URL will need to be 255 characters or less, otherwise you will get an error.

To tap into a variety of engagement preferences, we recommend that you leverage a mix of asset types for your attachments.   

2.  What content should your attachments explore?

The attachments that you add can achieve myriad goals

Maybe you would like to provide your audience with supplemental insights about a topic your webinar explored, so you attach a research report on the subject. Perhaps your webinar references a product by your company, and you decide to attach an illuminating product overview. 

Whether it supplements information, advertises a product or accomplishes some other mission, any asset that you attach should be relevant to your webinar and position your organization as a dependable, knowledgeable resource. 

3. What types of files can you attach?

When choosing a file type to attach, you have many options; the self-service upload feature accepts a wide range of file types, which fall into buckets such as documents, videos, audio, spreadsheets and more. 

Below is a comprehensive list of the names of the accepted file types and their corresponding Mime-Type.  

Name Mime-Type
iWork Pages document application/x-iwork-pages-sffpages
PDF document application/pdf
Word document 



3G2 video video/3gpp
3GP video video/3gpp
ASF video video/x-ms-asf
AVI video video/avi
FLV video video/x-flv
M4V video  video/x-m4v
MJ2 video video/mjp2
MP4 video video/mp4
MPG/MPEG video 



Quicktime video (MOV) video/quicktime
Windows Media video video/x-ms-wmv
MP3 audio audio/mp3
MP4 audio audio/mp4a-latm
Excel spreadsheet (2)



iWork Numbers spreadsheet application/x-iwork-numbers-sffnumbers
GIF image image/gif
JPG/JPEG image image/jpeg
PNG image image/x-png
Keynote presentation application/x-iwork-keynote-sffkey
PowerPoint presentation



PowerPoint slideshow  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow
Comma-separated (CSV) text/csv
Compressed File (ZIP) application/zip
Executable File (EXE) application/exe
Plain Text text/plain
SWF Flash application/x-shockwave-flash


4. How do you add an attachment?

To begin the process, enter a webinar’s management page. Next, navigate to the Overview tab and open the Attachment dropdown. Finally, click the Add attachment button and select the file you would like to attach. The process is demonstrated in the following GIF. 

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

You can add attachments (or remove or re-order them) before and after live webinars. Though, when a webinar is live, or during the fifteen minutes before it begins, you cannot add, remove or re-order any attachments.

Once you’ve added an attachment, your audience will be able to find it in the Attachments tab while they watch your webinar. The BrightTALK platform can track who clicks on an attachment, offering worthwhile metrics.  

5. What if viewers do not download your attachments? 

You should not be overly concerned if your viewers do not download an attachment. Audience members may have engaged, and may prefer to engage, with your content in a different way, such as by taking screenshots during a presentation.  

Each of your viewers is unique, and so are their preferences for engaging with content. By providing attachments, you open up yet another route to engaging your audience; some of your viewers will take that route, and some won’t.    


Now that you have answers to the most common questions asked about adding attachments to a BrightTALK webinar, it’s time for you tackle the process! 

Refer to this article along the way – and to unlock more guidance for creating strong content for your BrightTALK Channel, explore our other Channel Management tips and resources. 

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