The Advanced editor allows you to build your own custom template from scratch.
You can easily insert our pre-built form fields to auto-populate details like webinar title, featured image and start time.
Step 1: Accessing the advanced editor
1. Go to your Channel in BrightTALK Central
2. Click the "Settings" tab and select "Channel emails"
3. Then click "Edit" next to the email you wish to change
4. Now click "Create new template" and select "Build your own template"
Step 2: Using the Advanced Editor
The advanced editor allows for the entire source code to be changed.
To insert your own source code:
1. Click on the "Source code" icon
2. Remove / edit the original code, and click on "Save". You will then see a preview of the code you have inserted
3. You can easily insert our pre-built form field to auto-populate the details. These can be found above your email preview.
A full list of pre-built fields can be seen below:
Channel fields are related to the channel as a whole. In your email you can add upcoming talks from the channel or the channel title and/or link. We recommend including the channel title and/or hyperlink for users to easily navigate to the channel.
Content fields are related to the single piece of content. You can add content details such as add to calendar, presenters, preview images etc. We recommend adding the basic details such as title, date, time and link. You can also add the share option for users to share via their social media.
Lead fields are related to the user. Using these fields make the email more personalized to the recipient. We recommend adding the basic user details such as name, time zone and a link to update their email preferences, if they wish.
4. Once you have completed your email, click "Next".
Step 3: Testing an advanced template
Once you've added your source code and clicked "Next", you will be taken to the preview and test screen. From here you can preview what your template will look like (and for some templates, you can add a sample content as well) and send a test email out.
Please note: Currently the test email is auto-filled with generic information. If you wish to see an example with real information, we recommend running a practice webinar in your Channel with the template enabled.
Once you are happy with your template, set to "Active" in order for the correct email to be sent out.