Paige Bidgood Azevedo
Series FAQ
How can people find my Series page? Series pages can currently be found in two different ways: Direct link: Once you create your Series, you will be given a direct link to your Series page. This...
Considerations for pre-recording vs. recording live
A key question in creating webinars is whether to record live on the promoted date or to pre-record days or weeks ahead of time. In our experience, there are elements and best practices to consider...
Publishing/Scheduling a webinar: character limits
There are unique character limits when creating and publishing a webinar, please find further details below. Within Knowledge Base, we have many articles on how to write an effective abstract and t...
Channel Owner: role and responsibilities
As Channel Owner, you and any Channel Managers are responsible for the management of your Channel and the webinars that run in it. If you are not the webinar presenter, you must ensure that your pr...
Channel branding
Within your Channel settings, you can update the Channel branding (information below). Channel name – give your Channel a catchy name is 45 characters or less. This will be displayed to your targ...
Creating content: how long should my webinar be?
All the time, we get asked about “how long should my webinars be” or “how should I format my webinar” and the like – and, every time, our answer is the same: quality trumps characteristic. Al...
Scheduled content: can I edit the details of my scheduled webinar?
Yes, you can change any of the details for your upcoming webinar in BrightTALK Central. If you make changes to the date or time for an upcoming webinar, the pre-registrants will receive an email ...
Sharing your content with your network
We strongly encourage you to promote your content to your network! As buying teams get larger in size, promoting your webinar content to your network allows you to engage existing prospects with va...
Adding content to your promotional campaigns
You can tag in content that you would like to promote in your BrightTALK paid lead campaigns within BrightTALK Central. Adding your content to paid lead campaigns allows you to boost your content r...
Content tab overview
The content listing (or "Content" tab) in BrightTALK Central allows you to see a filtered list of all of the content in your Channel. This guide will cover some of the most common questions on how ...